Product Update

Launching Paragon's Monitoring Suite

Learn about Paragon’s latest suite of Monitoring features that provides improved observability across all integration activity.

Paragon Team


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I’m excited to reveal Paragon’s latest suite of Monitoring features, our next step towards providing best-in-class observability across all integration activity in Paragon.

Before we get into the details, here’s a quick overview of the new monitoring features:

  • Event Destinations: Stream Workflow Errors into your existing error management/logging tools

  • Connected Users Dashboard: View and manage Connected Users, their integrations, and workflow activity

  • Task History API: Pull Task History data, including step data and performance details

When building integrations, robust monitoring is not just a nice-to-have: it’s a need. We built our monitoring features to support visibility for:

  1. Fine-grained error reporting

  2. Broader integration usage insights

Let’s dive into each of these use cases.

Error Handling

Integrations require precise coordination between your system, the third-party provider, and your user’s accounts with the third-party provider.

Without sufficient visibility into this coordination, every error reported by your customers will leave your engineers debugging in the dark, spending significant effort and time trying to reproduce errors before they can even begin to understand what went wrong.

Our goal with Paragon’s new Monitoring features is to address these issues by providing end-to-end monitoring and observability of all integration activity. These features will enable you to:

  1. Get notified of errors in real-time and debug integration errors within your **existing error management/logging stack (ie. Sentry, Datadog, New Relic, etc.)

  2. View a detailed trace of every task execution that occurs

  3. View and Manage your users’ integration/workflow states

Get real-time error notifications with Event Destinations

Event Destinations enables you to push Workflow Errors in real-time to your logging tool / error notification platform of choice via webhooks, with pre-built payload templates for Slack, Datadog, New Relic, and Sentry.

Identify and triage issues with the Connected Users Dashboard

The Connected Users Dashboard provides a centralized view of any individual Connected User’s integration state(s) and activity.

Once you’re notified of errors occurring, debugging the issue for the affected user needs to be a streamlined process.

That’s where the Connected Users Dashboard comes in.

Whether it’s an authentication error or a workflow execution error, your team can now look into any user’s integration profile and quickly identify the root cause of the error.

Support team members can use the Connected Users Dashboard to respond to customer reports of integration issues, identifying what accounts or workflows may be at fault. They can also disable workflows or disconnect accounts to prevent further issues while engineering is investigating.

This enables you to provide your customers a much better experience as historically, your support team would have no visibility into your customers’ integration activity and therefore can’t offer any remediation steps nor effectively triage issues when they are flagged by customers.

Usage analytics

Beyond individual cases of errors, our new monitoring features also allow you to retrieve insights around integration activity and usage. Your engineering and product teams will benefit from:

  • Monitoring API usage over time and at specific points in time

  • Understanding integration adoption and impact

Usage analytics - Task History API

Monitoring API usage

It’s important to be aware of the differences in integration usage volume between your different users or segments (ie. SMB customers vs. Enterprise customers).

Why? Because more likely than not, certain users will consume a lot more requests than others. If you want to be efficient with your task usage across different customer segments, and/or you want to create opportunities to build in pricing levers to upsell your customers based on their integration task usage, you need to have this data readily available.

With the Task History API, you can do things such as querying the # of workflow executions for users with ID "...", and repeating that across different users.

Understanding integration adoption and impact

As you continue to scale your integration roadmap, you need to leverage existing integration data to inform your prioritization decisions, including:

  • Which existing integrations (or integration categories) are being adopted and are delivering the most value for your customers

  • What use cases are most used within a category of integrations

As an example, you’ll be able to query the number of workflow executions that ran over a given time period for a specific integration.

If you want to take it a step further, you can also utilize the Task History API to send usage data on an ongoing basis into BI tools such as Google BigQuery, Power Bi, or Tableau to visualize that data more easily.

Ultimately, the Task History API unlocks the ability to answer critical questions around your integration usage and adoption.

What’s next for monitoring?

While we’re excited by the progress we’ve made in the last few months with these new monitoring features, there is still a lot we can do to extend their capabilities. From built-in analytics in the Paragon dashboard, to additional usage events for Event Destinations, we have many exciting updates on our roadmap that we look forward to sharing with you soon.

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